5 Ways to use Apple Cider Vinegar

For hundreds of years, vinegar has been used for various household and cleaning purposes as well as it’s healing and anti-aging properties. The most popular vinegar among the health community, apple cider vinegar, is scientifically supported to ease gastrointestinal distress, aid in weight loss, lower blood sugar, and reduce symptoms of autoimmune disease, just to name a few.

Apple cider vinegar is made by crushing organic apples and squeezing out the juice, then adding yeast and bacteria to the juice to start the fermentation process that gives ACV it’s digestive qualities. Then, even more bacteria is added in until the juice turns into the vinegar that we all know and love.

You can incorporate apple cider vinegar into your daily routine by simply mixing it with water for a natural topical solution, drinking a few tablespoons in your water or juice, adding it into your recipes, or, if you’re brave, simply sipping it straight out of the bottle (Shots! Shots! Shots! …Obviously, things get crazy in my house when there’s ACV around!). But just in case you are not convinced that you should be using this miracle substance on a daily basis, here are 5 more benefits to utilizing apple cider vinegar.

5 Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

Fighting Dandruff – Okay, Snow White, there is hope for a dandruff free life! Long live the black shirts! All you need to do is mix equal parts water and ACV into a spray bottle. After shampooing, generously spritz the mixture onto your wet hair, let it sit for 2 minutes and rinse. The acidic environment of the ACV prevents dandruff causing fungus from forming and growing on your scalp. Easy and worth it, right?

Stopping a Sore Throat – With cold and flu season upon us, boosting your immune system is the best thing you can do to prevent calling in sick from work. If you start to feel a little tickle in your throat, simply mix 1 teaspoon. of ACV with a teaspoon of cayenne and a tablespoon honey to make a throat soothing elixir. The antibacterial properties of the honey and ACV is sure to arm your immune cells with the proper tools to fight off the cause of your sore throat, and the cayenne will work to alleviate the pain. As an added bonus, it’s also a fat burner!

Clear up your Skin – If you are suffering from oily skin, look no further! ACV is a natural astringent that pulls the impurities from your skin ad help reduce the oils, limiting your breakouts! The acidity also balances out the PH of your skin, keeping your skin feeling healthy and glowing. Simply use 1 part ACV to 1 part water, and dab it on your skin, focusing in your breakout areas.

Whiten your Teeth – If you have family portraits or an Instagram photoshoot going on in the near future, forget whitening gels or strips and pick up a bottle of ACV. Mix equal parts water and ACV, swish and spit, then brush and floss as usual. The acids found in ACV will help lift stains from the teeth, giving you a vibrant white smile. All that said, do use this with caution, as overuse of this technique can strip the enamel from your teeth. As they say, too much of any good thing can be a bad thing!

Digestive Balance – Last, but certainly not least, ACV is an incredible digestive aid, helping you absorb more nutrients from your food in addition to aiding you in weight loss! That’s because consuming ACV helps your body stimulate gastric juices that break down what you are eating even more, giving the villi in your intestines a better opportunity to grab the nutrients as they pass by. When you are absorbing these nutrients properly, your body runs smoothly and doesn’t crave vitamins and minerals that you are eating, but not able to utilize. This keeps your body out of starvation mode, meaning more fat loss and energy! Simply try mixing 1 Tbsp of ACV with a glass of water or tea before every meal to reduce uncomfortable bloating, constipation and aid in that nutrient uptake.

These five benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar Pills are just a small handful selected from a seemingly never-ending list of proven apple cider vinegar uses that are both helpful and easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Be sure to check back for even more benefits of using ACV, including recipes and videos, and let us know your favorite ways to use apple cider vinegar in your home in the comments section below!

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